Torrance Memorial Foundation board member David McKinnie and his wife, Kak, tested their luck at the 2016 Holiday Festival Gala. With no strategy in mind, they purchased five Holiday Festival opportunity drawing tickets and hoped for the best. Coincidently, the winners of the 2013 and 2014 opportunity drawing also happened to purchase five tickets when they entered. Five must be the lucky number. Days later, Kak received an unexpected call from Laura Schenasi, executive vice president of the Torrance Memorial Foundation. “Congratulations! You’re the grand prize winner of the opportunity drawing,” Schenasi told her. “I had no idea what we had won,” says Kak. “I knew there was a car at the Holiday Festival, but I didn’t know that was our prize. When Laura said we won the Lexus, I was so surprised, I cried.”
Kak immediately called David at work to share the good news. “I wasn’t expecting for us to win. We were really lucky, especially since they told us they sold a lot more tickets this year (2016),” says David.
In fact, 2016 was a record for opportunity drawing ticket sales—raising $64,000 in proceeds. The McKinnies soon made the trip to Toyota Motor Sales’ USA headquarters in Torrance to pick up their shiny, new 2017 Lexus RX350.
“It was a pleasant experience working with Toyota, and it was very generous of them to make such a large donation to Torrance Memorial,” David says. “The Lexus RX350 is beautiful. Like the quality of service at Torrance Memorial Medical Center, the quality of Lexus speaks for itself.”