Major Gifts
When you support Torrance Memorial, you have the potential of impacting nearly one million lives in the community Torrance Memorial serves. Major gifts might include cash, appreciated stock transfers and/or naming opportunities of various spaces throughout the medical center.
A Special Thank You to Our Million Dollar Donors:
- Melanie and Richard Lundquist
- Donald† and Priscilla Hunt
- O. Allen Alpay
- Karl B. and Carol McMillen, Jr.
- Vasek Polak Charitable Foundation
- Mary Tu
- Gerald and Patricia Turpanjian and Family
- Las Amigas Holiday Festival
- Kenneth T. and Eileen K. Norris Foundation
- Rozelyn and Alfred Redisch Estate
- Torrance Memorial Auxiliary
- American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
- Drs. Oi-Lin and Tei-Fu Chen
- Billee† and John† Gogian
- Helen and Jack Graux Family Trust
- Henry L. Guenther Foundation
- Charles and Aida Hillway Estate
- Elaine and Jerrold† Jerome
- Stuart C. Kern Family Trust*
- Irving Levine and Family
- Marcil Family Foundation
- Victoria Nishioka Trust
- The Ralph Scriba Family
- Ellen and Patrick Theodora
- Torrance Memorial Ambassadors
- Toyota
- Marcela and John Vanhara*
- J. Yang Foundation
- Sigrid† and Ralph Allman
- Betty and Jake Belin
- Barbara and David Bentley
- Carolyn† and Gerald M.† Bronstein
- Maria Buechler*
- Henry and Jessica Chen
- Ben Cheng and Kim McCarthy*
- Francesca and Doug Deaver
- Dorothy† and Larry D† Delpit
- Clair Eitel
- Darla Valliant and Jack Feldman
- Samuel and Rose Feng*
- George and Reva Graziadio Foundation
- Michael Greenberg and Family
- Micki and Norman Lasky, MD*
- Mimi and Robert Liu
- Pat and Richard Lucy
- Margolis Family Foundation
- Joelene† and Bill† Mertz
- Hangup and Michelle Moon
- Diane and Davis Moore
- Jeffrey and Tiffany Neu
- Serena and John Ngan
- Oarsmen Foundation
- René and Phyllis Scribe*
- Steve and Christine Sheng*
- Torrance Memorial Employee Ambassadors
- Torrance Memorial Medical Staff
- UniHealth Foundation
- Dorothy and Scott Williams Estate
† Deceased
* Future Planned Gift
If you have any questions or are interested in making a donation, please contact the Foundation office at 310-517-4703.
Torrance Memorial Foundation is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit 501c3 organization. Federal Tax #95-3528452